The following terms/condition to be strictly followed by both the Seller and fee payer
- The owner / Negotiator will deposit an amount to the company as a security deposite
- Testing spot should locate availability of signals (data and talk)
- Company vehical should reach up to the testing spot.
- will not allow more then 2 (two ) persons at testing site
- Company persons (Tester/Metallurgist) will present at spot AS PER AGREED SCHEDULED DATE for testing the article
- If mutually understand, Anti-radiation SUITS will be provided from the company side.
- Seller should give welcome test (depends up on mutually understand)
- If any wrong happen to the seller at the time of testing time, company won’t responsible
- Artical should give in free hand for required testing to the company personals
- The bond issued by the company will come into force from the time of reaching the spot of the tester and the same will remain valid for 12 hours.
- If the Owner/Negotiator fails to present the Material/Article on the due date and time or after testing if the material comes into negative, the deposition made by the party will be forfeited.
- After testing if the articles are found O.K. then the tester will inform the company and the company will pay a sum of Rs. 10 Cr. Within 3 hours if the spot is situated in the Metropolitan city other than that the said amount to be paid within 6 hours.
- On the following day 50% of the remaining amount to be paid and the next day the balance to be paid to the party in full. All those payments to be made by the company through Bank to Bank.
- After first payment the article will remain under the joint custody of both the parties.
- If will take 9 days’ time to make the amount white as per Indian I.T. Act.
- During the continuance of payment, the party will furnish 10 copies of stamp size photograph, Voter identity card, Residential Certificate etc. For opening I.T. file and Bank account.
- The liquid amount as demanded by the owner is to be paid by the company as per direction of the owner.
- The company reserves the right to make addition or alternation of the terms from time to time as and when required.
- The negotiator i.e. who will deposit the security money will be rewarded by the company if the deal is purely completed as under:
- 7 Numbers of Private cars (as per choice of the party)
- 5 Numbers self-contained flat within the Indian Territory (as per choice)
- Credit Card and Green Card.
In all other matters not specifically mentioned herein before the provision of law of companies Act, shall apply mutates – mutandis.
Thanks For Benz Antique International